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Hammock Relaxing

I am just an ordinary brown and desi girl who was born and raised in Pakistan. Being an Armybrat, my family and I were always on the move but it's safe to say that I basically belong from Lahore. I am an engineer by profession, well, a software engineer. 

and tadaaaa!! That's me in a nutshell. But don't worry you'll get to know me more through this blog! 



What this blog, Musings of a Desi Girl, is about?


Musings of a Desi Girl is basically about me living my life and sharing the moments I love.

Honestly, Musings of a Desi girl doesn’t have a traditional theme as most blogs do. This page is for me to share my passions with you, and that can include style inspirations, my grooming routines, beauty tips, recipes, and anything else. I hope you’ll enjoy reading my blog posts. So, stick around.

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